What Are You Attracting This Week?

Do you know that you attract something into your life everyday? Whether it’s through your thoughts, or whether say YES or NO to someone at work or at home….but are you being intentional with what you want? Do you realize that you really do have as much power as you want and need to make the things happen in your life that you fantasize about?

The Law Of Attraction Is when you specifically focus on something you want to attract to you, in other words you dress the part, you call it to you verbally, and wrap your thoughts and energy around it through meditation and prayer…with the right belief, the thing you want most in your life during that season, can come to you…can be yours!

If you have nothing specific you can speak in generalities like:

“I want to meet helpful people today or I want to be given useful information today to move me towards my specific goal of “xyz” (and then you say whatever it is that it is for you).

Ensure that when you say things like this that you have a level of expectancy. Every day you should expect good things. Even if you go to a job that you don’t really like, you should still expect good things during the next 8, 9, or 10 hours of your day in the midst of it all. People make work places what they are, and through people, sometimes we can either be a blessing or receive blessings, or be a curse or receive curses…what are you attracting this week, through your thoughts, words, and actions? Be purposeful to align your words, actions and thoughts with your true desires.

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